Book Club Gathering Tonight at 6:30pm in Holy Innocents Hall

Ready, set, start reading and sharing

The book group has completed its study of Bible and Sword, and is now reading An Unquiet Mind, by Kay Redfield Jamison. The author, a highly respected professor of psychology and psychiatry (tenured first at UCLA and later Johns Hopkins), describes her experiences coming to grips with her own bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depressive disorder), which had plagued her since early adulthood. This is a striking and highly readable work, by someone uniquely qualified to discuss mental illness as it really happens from both the clinical and the personal point of view. One focus of our discussion will be how such a disorder complicates the concept of “what kind of person” someone really is.

The group will meet at St. Nicholas this Friday, September 27th at 6:30pm in Holy Innocents Hall. All are welcome. Please contact me for more information.


Book Club:Reading The Bible and The Sword, Meet 630p Aug 23 at St Nicholas


The Book Discussion Group is currently reading Bible and Sword, by Barbara W. Tuchman.

For those who haven’t been keeping track, we are continuing to discuss Bible and Sword, which continues to give us plenty to talk about, and meeting in the church at 6:30 PM on Friday. We are also looking for suggestions for our next book. — excerpt from the most recent Book Club mailing list post

We’ll next meet on Friday, August 23rd, at 6:30PM at St. Nicholas.

If you’re interested in joining the group, or have questions, please email Steve Gruenwald