Bishop Scantlebury coming December 3

The Rt. Rev. Victor Scantlebury, the Assistant Bishop of Chicago, will make an Episcopal visitation to St Nicholas with the Holy Innocents on Sunday, December 3. Bishop Scantlebury will be at the St Nicholas building, and there will be no liturgy in the Holy Innocents building that day so we can gather as a single community to celebrate with the bishop. 

Generally, one of the bishops makes a visitation every two years so the congregation and the bishop can share and celebrate the life of the congregation. Because St Nicholas and Holy Innocents are in the process of combining, this will be a particularly special visit. Parishioners are urged to invite friends and family to join us on that day.

We expect a quite wonderful celebration. There will be no church school that day, as the bishop will be meeting at 9:30 a.m. with those to be confirmed and received. The liturgy will begin at 10:30 a.m. and at its conclusion Bishop Scantlebury will lead us in procession into the neighborhood.

There, some of us will join him in distributing shopping bags to our neighbors with a note inviting them to participate in our Second Family Christmas Present collection.

We will then reassemble at St Nicholas at 12:30 for a reception and lunch to honor the bishop and his wife, Marcia. Parishioners are asked to bring a side dish, salad, or soup for the lunch that day. 


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