Shout Outs: Week of Palm Sunday

Thank You150

To Bob Kalicki and our good friend Gary Lackey who braved the tollways and brought back to St. Nicholas 2 vans full of food for the pantry. From all who benefit from our pantry and all of us at St. Nicholas…God bless you!

To Claudia Boyle who picked up this month’s supply of Jarosch’s baked goods…sweets delivered by a sweetheart!

To Hal and Steve for setting up the church for Palm Sunday…all looks lovely.

To Hank for putting up the old St. Bede’s Gate and wooden wall unit in the church entry way. It is all so beautiful, Hank!

To our Bishop’s Committee Members: Jessica Tamaski, Penny Mandziara, Kristen Jacobs, Thelma Malecek, Mike Golden, Neal Setchell, Bob Kalicki, Bob DeHaven, Steve Raftery and our treasurer Ray Malecek who all give 100% in their collective efforts at improving our church.

To Hank Mandziara and Bob DeHaven who continue moving forward working on the boiler situation and installation of the stained glass windows. Great work, guys.

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