Morning Prayer 12.6.14, Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c. 342 | The Daily Office

Happy Feast of St Nicholas! We will celebrate tomorrow at the Sunday morning service at 10am, with the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D Lee, Bishop of Chicago, presiding. Come and be welccome, and “be St. Nick” with us!

St Nicholas of Myra, by Fr. Tobias Haller BSG

The Daily Office | Diocese of Indianapolis: St Nicholas of Myra

The Daily Office site is an incredibly rich resource for prayer, spirituality, and the inner life for people of faith. Each day they post the prayers and readings of the day, and the offer webcasts and sometimes live webchats. I’ve managed to attend one (they’re held during my work day, so it was a day I was off for some reason) and it was very interesting and uplifting to share that with people from all over the country and the world. The daily posts also include beautiful images and photographs to illustrate the holy persons who are commemorated that day, gathered from many sources (many from Episcopal churches who have commissioned art or submitted photos for use by the site).

The icon at the top of this post is a particular favorite of mine, as it’s by a blogger whose work I’ve read for years, Fr. Tobias Haller BSG. He writes poetry and posts icon sketches at his site “In A Godward Direction.”

Another icon of St Nicholas that is new to me is this one from an Episcopal Church in Ohio:

St Nicholas of Myra, by Kelly Latimore, icon at Grace Church, Pomeroy OH

St Nicholas of Myra, by Kelly Latimore, icon at Grace Church, Pomeroy OH

Thie one depicts Biblical images of sailing ships – Jesus walking on the water, and also in the boat with His friends. St Nicholas holds a modern riverboat tug, because Pomeroy’s position on the Ohio River means that the sailors under the saint’s protection are on our inland waterways and not just at sea.

Although there will be no Saturday evening service today, the Feast of St Nicholas is “transfered” to tomorow, so that the whole community of St Nick can gather and celebrate with Bishop Jeffrey. You are most welcome to join us, tomorrow and always!

St Nick’s Notes: 50th Anniversary Trivia Game!

Some 50th Anniversary Trivia:

1. Which former Vicar of St. Nicholas wrote a fine dining column?

2. Which two members of St. Nicholas once belonged to the same youth group while one was a member of the former St. Bede’s?

3. Who was a Vicar at both St. Bede’s and Holy Innocents?

4. How many clergy have come from St. Nicholas?

5. Which of those clergy in 4 above became a Bishop?

6. Which longtime St. Nicholas family will add to the joy of our anniversary celebration liturgy with the baptism of one of its members?

7. When was the first worship service held in the completed church building?

Stay tuned . . . answers next week.

Parish Profile: And We Are Online, People!

The link to the final version of the St Nicholas Parish Profile is below – it’s a GoogleDocs link, so look for more interesting things to show up. Like a spiffy new calendar

Like this nice picture here! The profile looks great, and the Parish Profile is beautiful, thanks to Hal Stratton’s hard work.

Link: St Nicholas Parish Profile (low-res PDF)